Monday, May 2, 2011


Definition: a long poem that celebrates something
Example:  Fly me to your heavenly garden of peace
With your pure and perfect pallid wings
Carry me to my fairest hopes and dreams
And put my feet up on your red roses bed.

Bless my mornings with your comforting touch
And feed me with your sweetest smiles
I'll drink your tears to heal my pains
And live with you forevermore.

Guide me to my future successes
With your eyes so angelic and divine
Sing your most romantic melodies
Erase my worries and perflexities.

O my dearly beloved angel of heavens
Your smell I breathe awakens me
Embrace me with your warmest arms
Forever I will live with thee.

Significance: When you celebrate something about someone, and you write poems about it, it shows that - that person has done something great that makes other people respect.

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